Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Potoprens (Port-au-prince)

Hi everyone!

Well we finally arrived to Port-au-prince, Haiti last night. After a very long day of traveling, we arrived at about 430 or so and were at the Hospice before dinner at 6pm.

We are staying at the Hospice St. Joseph and our view is beautiful. We have a great view of the ocean and the city as we are on the top of the hill.

Today we spent the day at Fonkoze HQ and at the Potoprens branch learning about what we will be doing and about Fonkoze in general. Tomorrow we will be leaving at 6:45 for Gonayiv in the north to learn the software we will be working with. Then we will enter all of the accounts in the Gonayiv branch. We will then spilt up in to 3 groups of 2 and do the same to all of the branches in the north, then the Central plateau area. Then we'll stop back in Port-au-prince for a day before heading down south and handling the accounts in those branches. We hope to get all of this done before we have to leave!!!

This is going to be a really busy trip, but I'm really excited! Only some of the branches have internet access, so I'll post when I can. Here is a map of the branches so you can follow along where I am: Branch map


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